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Victor Elementary School District strives to help homeless children and their families regardless of their housing situation.

Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Circumstances for eligibility (e.g., living in a shelter, a motel, hotel, a house or apartment with more than one family because of economic hardship or loss, in an abandoned building, in a car, at a campground, or on the street, or with an adult who is not your parent or guardian, in substandard housing, or with friends or family because you are a runaway, unaccompanied, or migrant youth).
  • Right to immediate enrollment in school of origin or school where currently residing without proof of residency, immunization records or tuberculosis skin-test results, school records, or legal guardianship papers.
  • Right to education and other services (e.g., to participate fully in all school activities and programs for which child is eligible, to qualify automatically for nutrition programs, to receive transportation services, and to contact liaison to resolve disputes that arise during enrollment). Unless there is a local child welfare agency agreement or the school district will assume part or all of the transportation costs.
  • Students are provided with the tools they need to access their education.
  • Access to a comprehensive list of community resources to help meet the family’s needs.

Homeless Liaison - Tanya Benitez, Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Services
District Office Phone number: 760-245-1691